Protecting Skywalker gibbons from extinction
What is a Skywalker gibbon?
The Skywalker hoolock gibbon (Hoolock tianxing) was first discovered in 2017, in the forests of the Gaoligong mountains, which straddle the border between southwest China and northern Myanmar. Its name means “heaven’s movement” in Chinese. Less then 150 individuals are known to exist in China and the population in Myanmar is unknown. They are one of three species of hoolock gibbon and thought to be the most endangered.
Photo Credit: Prof. Fan Peng-Fei

“I am moved when I see gibbons move. Animals in the forest keep the forest alive. Without gibbons …. it will just be dead wood.”
— Local Village Conservationist, Yunnan Province, China
You can make a difference
Donations go a long way in supporting our work researching this elusive and mysterious species. With your help, we can learn more about Skywalker gibbons as well as recommend sustainable conservation actions within their home range.
Photo credit: Prof. Fan Peng-Fei